School Seminar Program

Searching for Dark Matter with third generation quarks using the ATLAS detector

Dr Peter McNamara
Department of Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Applications, RSPhys, ANU

The nature of Dark Matter is perhaps one of the most prominent unanswered questions in physics. The
Standard Model has been remarkably successful in describing subatomic phenomena, however not all
observations can be explained using this model including Dark Matter. The existence of Dark Matter is
supported by a number of independent astrophysical observations which when taken together indicate Dark
Matter is an elementary particle or particles, however their nature remains largely unknown.

Two alternative yet complimentary methods to astrophysical observations are used to search for particle
Dark Matter on Earth, collider searches and direct detection. This talk will focus on collider searches using the ATLAS detector at the LHC; Specifically the pioneering use of low momentum b-tagging techniques to gain access and improve sensitivity to compressed regions which have previously been ignored due to their high difficulty. The results of a dark matter search, using as a guide, a model that supposes the inclusion of a top squark, will be presented demonstrating the sensitivity gained in a previously inaccessible region.

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Date & time

Thu 14 Jul 2022, 10–11am



Leonard Huxley Lecture Theatre & Via Zoom


Members of RSPE welcome

