Qubit by Qubit is Looking for Teaching Assistants!

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol46 Issue32 16–20 August 2021

Introduction to Quantum Computing Course
Through two semesters of weekly lectures, lab sections, and homework assignments, students will develop a foundational understanding of quantum computing. TAs are an integral part of the academic year program and the student experience. They are responsible for leading weekly lab sections and supporting student support needs. This year Qubit by Qubit expect to teach 2,000 students in partnerships with high schools around the world. 

This position is a great fit for undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in quantum computing and a passion for teaching! For priority consideration, please submit your application no later than August 22nd

This is a paid part-time position that is 100% remote.
Position Description & Requirements

Qubit by Qubit's Mission
Qubit by Qubit are an educational nonprofit offering online quantum computing programs for K-12 students. Their mission is to ensure students around the world receive the highest quality of quantum-related curricula and instruction so the future quantum workforce is equitable, inclusive, and diverse.