3 Minute Thesis Competition

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol46 Issue23 14–18 June 2021

What is Three Minute Thesis (3MT)
The Three Minute Thesis is an international competition for higher degree research candidates to showcase their research. Candidates present to an audience on what their research is and why it is important in plain language for three minutes, with only a single PowerPoint slide.

Why participate in the 3MT?
The 3MT provides the opportunity for candidates to develop presentation skills that are crucial for a successful career post PhD, inside and outside of academia.

ANU Final Eligibility
MPhil and pre-TPR PhD and Professional Doctorate (Research) candidates who are active in program are eligible to participate in the ANU 3MT competition up to and including the College finals but cannot advance to the ANU 3MT final. Candidates who have successfully passed their TPR are eligible to participate in 3MT competitions at all levels.

For more information and training calendar: https://services.anu.edu.au/training/3mt-the-three-minute-thesis-competition