Message from EDC

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue31 3–7 August 2020

A message from the E&D committee:  This week, Jobs Australia Report, Adventures Abroad in Science, Physics in the Cloud and Queers in Science.  And In My Blood it Runs.

Apologies, the full stories and links were missing in last weeks EH.

Jobs Australia
Report completed for Jobs Australia by ANU researcher, Lisa Fowkes, that shows how current practices are adding to Indigenous disadvantage. See PDF here.

Phil up on Science
So this year, everyone, everywhere is invited - forward this to your friends all around the world!

Queers in Science 
QueersInScience builds community and improves support for LGBTQIA+ people working in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine). QueersInScience is proudly hosted by the Walter and Eliza Institute of Medical Research. To get involved, join a local Facebook group head over to our facebook group ACT or subscribe for email updates: 

In My Blood it Runs (NEW)
The critically acclaimed documentary told through the eyes of charismatic 10-year-old Arrernte/Garrwa boy, Dujuan and his family, revealing the challenges Dujuan faces both in his school and on the streets of Alice Springs. (2019)