Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue30 27–31 July 2020

Australian Quantum Technology Forum

Recently, CSIRO has launched a quantum road map for Australia.  Now ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS) has had a hand in starting the “Australian Quantum Technology Forum”.  RSPhys researchers who work in the related areas are encouraged to sign up to the mailing list, to both keep an eye on what is going on and to contribute to developments.

CSIRO’s Growing Australia’s Quantum Technology Industry report outlines the opportunities that a thriving quantum technology sector can unlock for Australia.

Seizing these opportunities will need a unifying and coordinating body to advance the interests of a quantum technology industry sector in Australia. We propose forming the Australian Quantum Technology Forum – AusQuantech – to represent our shared interests and advocate for the development of a commercial quantum technology industry in Australia.

AusQuantech will be independent and non-partisan, representing our whole sector and all our members. It will have no alignment to particular institutions or businesses. AusQuantech will stand for us all and give us a unified voice to support and advocate for our common goals of developing a sustainable, local quantum technology industry in our nation, and promoting a quantum technology future for Australia.

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