Physics in the Cloud, Pitch Training and free Quiz Night

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue20 18–22 May 2020

Online gigs with Dr Phil Dooley

Take the plunge with some online gigs, please get involved! Coming up:

 1) Online Pitch Training course,  starting May 29. As prep for that, a

 2) Free Quiz Night May 27.

 3)  AIP Physics in the Cloud, which NSW folk are invited to present at, in August.

Exciting news coming soon, as Phil Up On Science forms a new exciting partnership, which will see great new content coming your way. But for now, read on for gig details.

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I’m running a quiz night, to try out some new online training apps, please join in and be a guinea pig. It won’t hurt a bit – and may actually be fun!

Get together a team of 3 – 8 people, and get ready to show off your knowledge of random, occasionally-vaguely-scientific facts. Rounds include Chocolate, Astronomy, Sex and more…

Date: Wed 27th May, 7.30 – 9.30.
Register: Email with names and emails of team members by 11.59PM Tuesday 26/5.

We will be using the online platforms Zoom on and Socrative (on separate devices, e.g. a computer and a phone). For Socrative you will need to register for a free student account at .

You will need to register all the people in your team in advance so I can set up the online team space within Zoom. Hope you can join in!  If you want to be allocated to a team let me know and I’ll make introductions.

Nailing your science pitch - Online training

In this training we’ll develop a pitch to engage someone with your work. Then, when that moment arrives where you have an opportunity, you will be able to do yourself justice and really connect with potential partners and have a constructive conversation.
Format:                3 x 1 hour sessions, a week apart.
Time:                    10:30 AM AEST (UT+10), Friday 29/5/20, 5/6/20, 12/6/20
Platform:             Zoom (plus online game app, e.g. Kahoot)
Cost:                      $45 each, $99 for the series of three. (GST not charged).
Register before 5pm Monday 24/5/20 :
More Info:

The sessions include lots of interaction, small group work and feedback. begin with conceptual discussions and get more practical: by Module 3 you are on your feet doing a pitch and getting detailed, personalized feedback.  Includes pre-work/homework to get the brain working before the session. 

Session 1 - How pitching works:
Identifying the values and priorities of your audience
Mapping your research to your audience’s priorities
Building trust and rapport
Defining a good outcome.
Introduction to pitch structure.

Session 2 - Build a pitch and try it out
Powerful introduction
Clarifying your message
Reaching your audience
Storytelling skills
Put it all together - try it out
Session 3 - Presentation and conquering nerves
Connecting with people
Posture and voice
Presentation checklist
Warm ups

More info:

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