Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue19 11–15 May 2020



We can use this time to be productive - work on manuscript drafts, thesis chapters, read things in-depth or learn something new.  Please stay in touch with your colleagues and your supervisor, and most importantly be positive and plan for the future.



Congratulations to Fanlu Zhang, Hoe Tan, Lan Fu, and Jagadish for their demonstration of a semiconductor detector using cross-nanowire networks that is capable of resolving the full optical state of the THz light - published in Science on the 1st of May. This research is a result of collaboration between three groups at ANU, Oxford and Strathclyde, and it took three years of efforts by the first author Dr. Kun Peng (former student at EME and now post-doc at Oxford) to achieve this outcome.
Read their paper here:

The SIEF Experimental Development Program (EDP) is designed to address a significant gap in current funding options available for progressing technology development to a stage suitable for attracting commercial investment and market uptake. EDP funding is expected to be $0.25m-2m over 6 months to 2 years. The total funds requested must be met through co-investment by the Lead Applicant and collaborators with in-kind and cash contributions.
Open Now
Closing date: TBC
Notification of Intent to Apply
Lead Applicant must be an Eligible Organisation in the Industry portfolio (Eligible organisations are:  CSIRO, ANSTO, AIMS, Geoscience Australia). The ANU cannot be the lead organisation, so please contact your potential collaborators at the mentioned eligible organisations if this opportunity interests you.

The Early Career Researcher Grant consists of a A$10,000 payment given to persons in the first five years of their postdoctoral research career.

Facebook post:


Research Working Party 

Working Party Terms of Reference 

Elena Ostrovskaya  (Chair)
Greg Lane
Hans Bachor
Jodie Bradby
Ken Baldwin
Marcus Doherty
Matt Thompson 
Michael Shats
Michaela Froelich 
Mohammad Saadatfar 
Nanda Dasgupta
Yuri Kivshar    

Prizes and Awards

The Australian Academy of Science has extended the deadline for the Honorific awards until the 25th of May.

The nomination deadlines for the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes are extended until the 15th of May.


Digest of past updates

Research Updates @ 4 May