AIP - student membership possibilities

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue15 15–19 April 2019

Dear Physics Colleagues,

The Australian Institute of Physics is the lead professional body working to promote the role of physics in research, education, industry and the community, both in Australia and internationally, and represents over 1000 physicists. 

The AIP membership has an ageing demographic, and there is a need to breathe new life into the organisation via involvement of younger physicists.

Amongst an number of initiatives by the Executive is the establishment of a free electronic Student Membership category for undergraduate students (including Honours students) with an interest in Physics, with an online application process. Student Members will receive the regular bulletins from the President of the AIP with updates on latest news and developments in Physics in Australia, and electronic copies of the AIP publication “Australian Physics.”  In addition, they are invited to participate in the activities and events organised by the relevant State Branch of the AIP. It is important to note that postgraduate students are entitled to apply for full Membership (MAIP), but pay a reduced student rate for their membership, and also have access to benefits such as travel funds and reduced rates for the Congress. Student Members from 2018 who completed the requirements of their Physics Major in 2018 are entitled to become full Members of the AIP in 2019 at the reduced rate of  $50 for the first year (the same rate as Postgrads).

Free Student Membership was introduced for the first time in 2016, and we had 849 undergraduate students enrol.

I seek you assistance in publicising this Student Membership to undergraduates in your School/Department, as well as to any relevant student associations. Please would you distribute the following information as widely as possible:


Thank you


Stephen Collins

AIP Registrar






The Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) invites undergraduate students (including Honours students) with an interest in Physics apply for Student Membership of the AIP. 

The AIP is the professional body working to promote the role of physics in research, education, industry and the community, both in Australia and internationally, and represents over 1000 physicists. 

Student Membership is free. You will receive regular bulletins from the President of the AIP with updates on latest news and developments in Physics in Australia, and electronic copies of the AIP publication “Australian Physics.”  In addition, you will be invited to participate in the activities and events organised by your State Branch of the AIP.

To apply for new Student Membership, please go to

If you were a Student Member in 2018 and have not completed your undergraduate studies, you can renew your Student Membership for 2019 at

If you were a Student Member in 2018 and have completed your degree with a Major in Physics, you can apply for full Membership of the AIP (MAIP) at the reduced rate of $50 at

If you have any enquiries about Student Membership, please contact the AIP Registrar

