Improvements to Induction @ ANU

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue13 1–5 April 2019

Dear Colleagues

As you are aware, induction is a structured and supportive method of introducing a new staff member to their role, their work area and the University. 

To improve the induction process, an automated induction checklist has been added to HORUS to provide a trackable method for supervisors, staff, and the Human Resources Division to ensure induction has occurred. 

What has changed?

HORUS now includes an ‘Induction’ section, containing a checklist which new employees are required to complete on their first day of employment.  This new section directs new staff to confirm important personal information such as contact details and emergency contacts; and acknowledge key dates, including their probation period and first Performance Development Review meeting with their supervisor. 

Supervisors are able to confirm this has occurred in the system, and HORUS will generate a PDF file that will automatically save on the staff member’s ERMS file. 

Does the induction checklist still need to be followed?

Yes.  While the record of completion of the induction checklist will save electronically, this is the first in a number of upgrades to improve the induction process at ANU.  The Induction Guide for Supervisors is available on the ANU website and contains a more detailed induction checklist which will require completion during the first two weeks of employment. 

For more information on the induction process at ANU, and to access the Induction Guide for Supervisors, please visit the website.


Kind regards




Dr Nadine White

Director - Human Resources

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