ABC media residency opportunity for ECRs

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue13 1–5 April 2019

ABC media residency opportunity for your Faculty’s ECRs – applications now open

Calling all early-career STEMM researchers with a flair and passion for communicating your work Raise your profile and share your exciting discoveries and ideas with new audiences Apply now for the #ABCTop5 media residency program for emerging scholars

You’ll be aware, I hope, of the ABC’s Top 5 Media Residency Program which we’ve run for early career researchers in STEMM for the last five years, in partnership with UNSW. In 2019 we are continuing this unique program, and I hope that you might help spread the word across your institutions and faculties.

The program is designed to nurture the communication skills and media awareness of Australia’s most dynamic emerging thinkers, to help them share their knowledge and expertise with content-hungry audiences seeking expert information and debate.

The five ‘researchers in residence’ will spend two weeks at the ABC in July working alongside some of the country’s best journalists and broadcasters to train in the craft of radio and TV interviews and develop content across ABC platforms. They’ll be mentored by members of my team in the ABC’s science unit.

A program for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences will also be run in September.

The Top 5 is open to ECRs with a PhD who are working at an Australian university or research organization.

The programs are presented in partnership with UNSW (Science) and the University of Sydney (Humanities). A media release is attached, or for more information see the ABC Top 5 website at

Applications are now open – and close on May 1st, 2019. Please spread the word!


Dr Jonathan Webb

Science Editor