29 March applications close - Writing Workshops

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue12 25–29 March 2019

Writing Workshops - Applications close 29 March

Female EMCRs are invited to a workshop to support the development of grant and paper writing skills. The workshop is jointly sponsored by the JCS Equity and Diversity Committee and the Gender Institute. Places are limited and priority will be given to women at levels A, B and C. Others may apply and will be offered places if available.

Many academics struggle with writing. Some just cannot find the time to devote to their manuscripts and grants, as they have too many other things on their ‘to-do’ list, day after day. Others can write but are not efficient, spending their time writing and revising drafts right up until the deadline.

In this set of workshops, you will be taught an efficient writing process that you can apply to your writing project (eg, grant, fellowship application or paper). But, equally importantly, you will have the support of a professional writing coach.

Over three half day workshops, we will explore the reasons why you don’t have time to write and come up with solutions for creating the necessary time. This is actually a critical skill for your career, because until you work out how to make time to do the things that are most important to you, it will be difficult to consistently make time for writing in the years to come. You will then be taught a process for writing a high-quality draft efficiently. Finally, you will learn how to polish your draft so that the text is clear, concise and compelling.

Session 1: Friday 12 April 2019 (9:30am – 1.00pm)

Session 2: Tuesday 14 May 2019 (9:30am – 1:00pm)

Session 3: Friday 7 June 2019 (9:30am – 1:00pm)

In between the workshops, you will have access to an online community where you can give and receive support and accountability, to help you get your writing project done!


The workshops will be delivered by Dr Malini Devadas. Malini has been a professional editor since 2004 and has given writing workshops at universities around Australia since 2011. She is now completing a coaching certification so that she can help early-career researchers become confident academic writers.



Applications close Friday 29 March 2019