ICONN 2016

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol41 Issue34 21–25 September 2015

Dear Colleagues

2016 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN 2016) will be held in Canberra during 7-11, Feb 2016.  This is a great opportunity for us to showcase School’s research in nanoscience and nanotechnology to the Australian and international nanotechnology community. 

ICONN2016 will feature an impressive list of plenary speakers (eight) including 2014 Chemistry Nobel Laureate Professor William Moerner, Stanford University and Dr. Heike Riel, Director of Physical Sciences, IBM Zurich. 

Abstract submission deadline is: 20th Sept 2015. 

Further information could be found at: http://www.ausnano.net/iconn2016/

Australian Nanotechnology Network (ANN) will provide free registration to PhD students and ECRs (PhD awarded within 5 years) working at Australian institutions who are a presenting author of an accepted abstract (oral or poster) and a member of ANN. 

Looking forward to your active participation in ICONN 2016.


Hoe and Jagadish

ICONN2016 Co-Chairs