JCS Internal Hard Deadlines 2018/2019 Major Grant Rounds

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue88 24–28 September 2018

RE: Hard internal deadlines for the upcoming 2018/2019 major grants rounds

If you are applying for a grant in the upcoming 2018/2019 major grants round, please read this email carefully.

The College of Science (CoS) and the College of Health & Medicine (CHM) Executive Committees have approved the introduction and implementation of ‘hard internal deadlines’ for the upcoming 2018/2019 major grants round.

Hard internal deadlines will reduce the potential to submit ineligible and incomplete applications, ensuring complete and well thought through applications with the best chance of success are submitted. This is especially important with the introduction of the new NHMRC grant program, along with the new NHMRC system, and the large volume of ARC proposals.

The ARC and NHMRC timelines and internal hard deadline general principles are attached. Final dates will be provided once released by the ARC.

Note that exemptions from the hard internal deadlines will only be considered in the event of a serious and unforeseen circumstance. In such a case, a written request will need to be made by the School Director to the Dean for approval.

Best wishes,


 Professor Kiaran Kirk


ANU College of Science


PS See Mary Grays tips and tricks