Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue78 16–20 July 2018

Dear Colleagues,

The Westpac Foundation is now accepting applications for 2019 Westpac Research Fellowships. This unique fellowship supports outstanding early career researchers whose ground-breaking work has the potential to make a difference in one of the Foundation's focus areas.

Eligibility criteria include:


Focus Areas:


Funding Amount and Duration: $400,000 over three years



 Research Office Deadline

6 August 2018 – 10am

Complete application and letter of support due to RSD via CRO

21 August 2018

Application (funding body) Deadline

27 August 2018

Shortlisting and Online Emotional Intelligence Assessment

September 2018

Preliminary Outcomes

October 2018

Fellowship Commencement

by 30 June 2019


Things to note




Please contact the Research Office as soon as possible if you would like to apply for this opportunity.