Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue77 9–13 July 2018

Dear Colleagues,

For ANU internal use only

The Australian National University (ANU) and the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) have entered into a 15-year joint research engagement through the creation of an unclassified collaborative research environment. The purpose of this partnership is to develop Australia’s expertise in specific areas of capability to support national security, with a program of activities including research collaboration, education and training opportunities and STEM outreach activities.

The ANU/ASD Research Program is currently accepting research proposals of mutual interest that addresses the research interests in Round 1: Data Science, Cryptography and Secure Systems, and Vulnerability Research. Please contact our office for detailed definitions of each area.

A total of $1.5 million is available for projects awarded in Round 1 (total pot of funds available). Projects can be between 1-3 years. A 1:1 matching funding arrangement is required, and this can be made up of cash and in-kind contributions. An overheads rate of 75% applies, and can be counted towards the University’s in-kind contributions.

To be eligible as a lead investigator, you must:

Other Australian university involvement is permitted. PhD student involvement is allowed, but the student must be able to obtain baseline security clearance in Australia, if required. Items accepted under ASD cash funds include travel costs, equipment costs, PhD stipends, and $20,000 top-up scholarships. Please note that although student stipends can be budgeted under ASD funds, students will need to assign their IP to ANU.

All proposals should be written in a collaborative manner between ANU and ASD researchers and involve personnel from both organisations in any proposed research. Extra consideration will be given to those research programs with cross-disciplinary teams or those that can address more than one aim of the relationship. Research should be focused on technical research, not policy research.

Proposal are due to the ANU ASD Program Steering Committee by Friday, 27 July, 5pm AEST. The research office deadline for proposal review is Monday, 16 July. All proposals should be submitted using the Proposal Template (please contact us for a copy) by emailing

The Proposal Guidelines are also available from our office for your information. We will facilitate delegate approval on your behalf. Project leads of successful proposals will be required to attend a program induction session at which relevant information in relation to grant management will be provided.

If you are intending to apply for this round, please notify us at your earliest convenience.


Kind regards,


Samantha Donohoe

Senior Research Management Officer


Joint Colleges of Science

The Australian National University

Jaeger 8 Building, 142 Mills Road

Canberra ACT 2601


Phone: +61 2 6125 4376 (x54376)


CRICOS Provider: 00120C