Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue74 18–22 June 2018

Dear Colleagues

Defence export controls may potentially impact you if your research involves collaboration outside Australia. Since the Defence Trade Controls Act (DTCA) came into force on 2 April 2016, researchers may need a permit to export or transfer controlled goods, software and technology or ‘know how’ outside Australia’s borders.

The upcoming DTCA seminar will provide an overview of export controls and the penalties of non-compliance. Practical examples of how research activities can lead to issues that require consideration against the Defence Strategic Goods List will be discussed, with time allocated for Q&A and informal discussion.

Dates; Time; Venue Register here

A list of DTCA Technical Coordinator contacts is also available.

Intended participants: Researchers and research students whose research area, collaborations, the possible application of their research require a direct interest in knowing more about export controls; research administration teams, and technology transfer staff, who support research activities and may advise on export controls; and those responsible for overall institutional awareness and compliance.

See more information at: 




Dr Douglas Robertson

Director of Research Services