Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue74 18–22 June 2018

Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware the Academic Promotions Round for 2018 opens today, 1 June 2018 with an application closing date of Tuesday, 31 July 2018.

Applications for promotion will be coordinated through the College of Science and College of Health & Medicine LCP Secretariat, Ms Anita Ponturo. To assist with the process, it would be helpful if you could email the School Director and (in confidence) of your intention to apply before 30 June 2018.

To formally apply for academic promotion you will need to submit one complete electronic copy of your application to the contact email by 12pm, Monday, 23 July 2018.  This will allow the LPC Secretariat adequate time to coordinate the Supervisor, Research School Director and the College Dean’s review and endorsement of the applications, well before the formal closing date.  

Please note that Anita will lodge applications electronically from level B to D to the Local Promotions Committee (LPC) and the Level E applications to the University Promotions Committee (UPC).

Policy and procedure

The academic promotion policy, procedure and associated pro forma for the 2018 promotion round and can be accessed by following the below links:

Academic promotions webpage

The centrally managed academic promotion webpage has been updated with all relevant information and documentation for the 2018 academic promotion round. It is strongly encouraged that all staff interested in applying for promotion in 2018 take the time to review the audio recordings of the information sessions held earlier this year. These sessions include information on changes to the promotions process and also provide helpful advice from Professor Hughes-Warrington and Professor Harding regarding how to prepare your application, including advice on referees and how to prepare for the interview.

Information regarding the Local Promotions Committees for CoS and CHM can be found on the college intranet, including the Terms of Reference document for your reference.


If you have any queries about the academic promotion process in 2018, please do not hesitate to contact Anita Ponturo at or the Central academic promotion team via

Kind regards,