Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue73 11–15 June 2018

Life, Alzheimers and Sustainable Energy – Chemistry in the Pub


How did life evolve? What happens when our bodies go wrong and develop disease? How can we design materials to save our future? The answer is Chemistry!


Join local scientists as they share their chemical insights from the lab, the Earth and the Universe in the relaxed setting of Smiths Alternative. MC Phil Dooley will steer you through live experiments, strange stories and even chemical music.


Where: Smith’s Alternative, 76 Alinga St, Civic

When: 7 PM Wednesday 13 June

Cost: Free (thanks to Inspiring Australia and Royal Australian Chemical Institute)


More info:


The Lineup


The Chemical Dad – (alias Trevor Rapson, CSIRO) is joining us for a live stage show of his YouTube channel Khemistry Kid, along with his son, who’s four!


Sean Smith (NCI) doesn’t do chemistry in the lab, he does it in a computer. A supercomputer – of which he is the Director. He says it’s the key to saving the planet with sustainable energy


Millions of people grow food on rubbish dumps around the world. Florence Awino (Ecology, Uni Canberra) studies if it is safe to eat.


Damien Hall (Chemistry, ANU) studies globs of proteins. They turn up in all kinds of parts of the body and could be the key to diseases such as Alzheimer’s.


Chemistry is the key to seeing if there is life in other solar systems, says exoplaneteer Sarah McIntyre (Stromlo, ANU)


The Elements Song by Tom Lehrer is out of date. Phil Dooley (Phil Up On Science) is giving a long overdue update (apologies to Nirvana).


Lara Malins (Chemistry, ANU) studies peptides, the therapeutic next-generation molecules, that sometimes get a bad name in doping scandals.


Richard Henley (Physics, ANU) is fascinated by the chemistry of Michelangelo’s Marble.


Astrobiologist Charley Lineweaver (Stromlo, ANU) will use an ice cube to demonstrate the origins of chemistry and life         .


Science in the Pub  at Smiths on the second Wednesday of every month, thanks to Inspiring Australia.


Health and Medical: July 11

Ecology: August 8,

Make it your own! September 12,

Physics: October 10


Dr Phil Dooley
Science writer, videomaker, presenter and science communication trainer.
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter: Phil Up On Science
P: 0414 94 55 77