Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue66 23–27 April 2018

Dear Colleagues,
The Australia – Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme for funding commencing in 2018, opened on Thursday 4th April 2018. This scheme is a joint initiative of Universities Australia (UA) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The UA-DAAD scheme supports exchanges for Australian researchers from University Australia (UA) member universities, and German researchers from German universities and research institutes. This scheme is open for the exchange of academics with a focus on early career researchers and junior scholars from both countries who are working on joint (new or already established) research projects.
The scheme provides funds to meet the travel and living costs of researchers who spend time at a collaborating institution in Australia or Germany (the DAAD in Germany will fund the costs for the corresponding German applicant visiting Australia). The project funding available will only cover return economy airfares from Australia to Germany and a per diem (either  AUD$250/day or a maximum of AUD$3500/month) with a maximum funding per year/project of AUD$12,500. Basic research costs such as staff and/or equipment are not funded. Project funding will commence in 2019.
Each participating Australian university nominates its own level of financial contribution to the scheme and will only fund projects that involves its own researchers and students. The Australian National University has committed AUD$120 000 for the 2019 application round. In agreement with the Australia – Germany Joint Co-operation Scheme terms and Conditions 2018, each university will go through an internal ranking process according to the assessment criteria. Supported applications will then be provided to Universities Australia office which will report to the DAAD in Germany. Hence, for this scheme ANU internal ranking procedures are required. See below for important dates and deadlines.
Dates and deadlines:
1.       Applications open  Thursday 4 April
2.       Deadline for full review  (applicants to submit to CROs):  Monday 21 May
3.       Deadline for compliance check and approvals (applicants to submit to CROs):  Tuesday 29 May
4.       ANU CROs to submit all proposals to RSD (internal deadline):  Tuesday 5 June
5.       Central/RSD ranking process (internal deadline):  Wednesday 6 June to Tuesday 12 June
6.       RSD to submit ranked applications to UA (external deadline):  Friday 15 June
7.       DAAD assessment panel (external deadline):  October 2018
8.       Application outcomes (external deadline)   November 2018
Contact your local research office for  the relevant documents to prepare your application and a copy of last year’s UA-DAAD Project Funding outcomes.
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at
Kind regards,
Research Management - Joint Colleges of Sciences