HDR Survey

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue59 5–9 March 2018

Dear Students

The Australian Commonwealth Department of Education requires information about Higher Degree Research (HDR) students involvement with formal and informal non-university individuals/organisations (End Users) who they engage with during the course of their research. End Users could be an individual, community or organisation external to a University that will directly use or directly benefit from the output, outcome or results of the research. 

On behalf of the Dean HDR’s office and Division of Student Administration, Planning, Performance and Measurement Division is facilitating the E593 data collection across ANU colleges and research schools to gather HDR student related information relevant to research end-user engagement activities.

All ANU enrolled HDR students are required to complete a Data Collection Form and complete at least Sections One and Two. 

If there is known End User involvement Sections Three and Four will also need to be completed. Section Three captures description of the End User. This is relevant, but not limited to, if the HDR Student has an external supervisory panel member/s not employeed at a University.

Section Four captures a description of students engagement (involvement) with the End User such as the following:

Jointly supervised by a research end-user Jointly funded or fully funded by a research end-user Formal training on end-user engagement Other commercialisation and engagement activities

Students should complete Sections Three and Four the best they can then return the form to your local student admin team to follow up directly with an End User if relevant.

You will notice multiple Sections Three and Four in the attachment and these are provided for students who have multiple End User involvement. 

Please complete the survey form and return to your local HDR Administrator no later than close of business Friday 9 March 2018.

If relevant please ask your local HDR administrator for further information via rspe.hdr.sa@anu.edu.au.

Please refer to your email for the relevant attachment.
