Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue40 23–27 October 2017

Dear all
Professor Richard Baker will present the next Joint Colleges of Science Equity and Diversity Seminar
Richard will be speaking about the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) process and other gender equity initiatives at ANU. Richard is the Chair of the ANU Self Assessment team which will oversee, guide, prepare and submit the application for the SAGE Athena SWAN institutional Bronze Award.
The seminar will take place on:
Tuesday October 31st 2017
12:00 -1:00pm
Science Teaching Building (#136), level 3, Linnaeus Way, ANU Acton.

All academic and professional staff are encouraged to attend.
Kind regards
Professor Jane Dahlstrom, Dean College of Health and Medicine
Professor Kiaran Kirk, Dean College of Science