EMCR Representative - revised

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue35 18–22 September 2017

Dear EMCR Colleagues,

Thank you for those that have nominated it is greatly appreciated.

The Director has received a request to extend the nomination deadline, which has been agreed to. Please find the amended timeline below.

1) Applicants self-nominate and submit a short statement of what they might bring to the role (<250 words) by Tuesday 12th Sept, 5:30pm to Stewart Hilton (acting as Returning Officer). Email sm.rspe@anu.edu.au

2) On Wednesday 13th the applicants’ statements will be posted in the main tea rooms in Physics North and South. Sue Wigley will post them in the Event Horizon that week.

3) Voting will open on Friday 15th and close Friday 22nd, 5:30pm.  A vote will constitute a simple one-line email to Stewart (sm.rspe@anu.edu.au), with the subject “EMCR vote (confidential)”, and in the body of the email the name of your most preferred applicant.  Only EMCR’s may vote, one vote only per EMCR.  For clarity, Professors are not eligible to vote.  All other academic levels are eligible.

The role is a great opportunity to represent your EMCR Colleagues at the Head’s of Department meetings and School Forum. The successful individual will have the opportunity to present achievements and issues you and your EMCR Colleagues wish to raise. The terms of the role are reasonable flexible, to not limit the matters this role may wish to raise.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Kind regards,
