ANU Ally Network: Pride Week 2017

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue34 11–15 September 2017

Dear fellow Allies,

Pride Week 2017 is fast approaching.  This is one of the most visible, and celebrated, times of the year for the Queer* and Ally communities alike.

This year, ANU will be having a Pride Week market day on Thursday, 21 September in the Pop-Up Village. The Ally Network will be holding a stall, along with the Queer* Department, and representatives from other community organisations.

We need your help!  Please join us on the stall between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm to help spread the message and celebrate diversity.  This is one of the easiest ways to be an Ally.  You don't need any special training, skills, or in-depth knowledge.  You simply need to rock up with a smile, and be your usual fantastic selves!

To volunteer on the stall, or any other Ally Network activity, please email myself at

Can't volunteer?  Drop by the stall anyway.  It's always great to see Allies out and about, and a great opportunity to find out what else is happening.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Pride Week market day stall.

Kind regards,

Bhavani Kannan
Postgrad Ally Co-Convenor