HDR Retreat - Kioloa 6-8 November 2017

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue34 11–15 September 2017

What is the RSPE Higher Degree Research Kioloa Retreat?

A HDR student organised initiative is to introduce Higher Degree Research candidates to the Research School. It's an expenses paid trip to the ANU Kioloa Coastal Campus on the New South Wales South Coast next to the village of Kioloa . Accommodation, meals and Murrays transport will be provided. It is an opportunity to meet your peers, share knowledge, and relax. It will be fun and educational.

How to register

Send an initial email to Karen Nulty and Liudmila Mangos via rspe.hdr.sa@anu.edu.au expressing interest to attend until the official Eventbrite registration goes ‘live’.


There are limited spaces with preferences given to earlier year candidates. Register anyway and you'll be put on a waiting list in case of cancellations.  Students who cancel after registration has closed may be liable for a cancellation fee.