John Carver Seminar Series 2017

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue34 11–15 September 2017

Nominations are being called for the John Carver Seminar Series 2017. This is a fantastic annual competition that enables our students to showcase their research to the fellow students.

The Seminar Series will be held on Thursday 28 September 2017 from 9.30am in Finkel Theatre, JSCMR Building 131.

Participating students will be expected to present a 15 minute talk on their research. The talks are not followed by questions.

The talks will be followed by a light lunch and a presentation of prizes. Generous prizes and certificates will be on offer for the best presentations (judges’ vote and audience vote).

The winners may be invited to present their talk at the equivalent competition run by the NSW branch of the Australian Institute of Physics or at a regular meeting of the ACT branch of the Australian Institute of Physics.

Closing date for nominations is 15 September 2017 – participants are requested to forward the titles of their talks to  by that date to enable us to finalise the program.

To register, please send an email to