Science in the Pub: Physics

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue28 31 July–4 August 2017

Science in the Pub: Physics

Ed Simpson ( Nuclear) Rod Boswell (satellites) and Matthew Hole (Fusion)  ( and me) are performing at this event:

It’s Physics in the Pub time, so prepare to get the brain warmed up with phar-out physics from local researchers. You’ll be thrown into a black hole, launched into space, and subject to radiation. But it won’t be dangerous, just fun!

Six short presentations woven together by MC Dr Phil Dooley in a relaxed environment with plenty of warming beverages.

When: 7 PM Tuesday 1 August
Where: Smiths Alternative Bookshop, 76 Alinga St, Civic 2601
Free entry and nibblies (Thanks Aust Institute of Physics and Nat Sci Week!)

No booking required, but come early!