Call for Expression of Interest for RSPE Summer Research Scholarship Coordinator

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue24 3–7 July 2017

The School welcomes expression of interests from RSPE mid-career researchers to take on the role as the RSPE 201­7-2018 Summer Research Scholarship (SRS) Coordinator. The SRS program provides talented physics, engineering and maths students with an opportunity to experience research based activities at the School under the guidance of distinguished research staff. The program is key in recruitment of future excellent Higher Degree Students at RSPE.

The role involves application assessment and selection, coordinate school based events including facility tours and coordinate the end of program final talks.

The deadline for expressions of interest is Monday 31 July 2017.

Further information is available from your local Student Administrators Luda Mangos and Karen Nulty -