Director's Message

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol43 Issue18 22–26 May 2017

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce the award of our first Frontier: Frontiers on Quantum Matter.  This wonderful collaboration was endorsed by the Heads yesterday and will combine strengths in quantum physics across Laser Physics Centre, Non-Linear Physics Centre, Department of Nuclear Physics and the Research School of Chemistry.  The team aims to develop a new theoretical platform to study quantum many-body systems with the view to experimentally validate their models.  I am so pleased to see this group of outstanding individuals come together and lead-off with this great Frontier.

Next week I will open up an Expression of Interest round for a new Deputy Director position with a portfolio focussed on research infrastructure, facilities and technical excellence.  While this will be an academic position the role will work closely Graeme Cornish and our Professional staff to develop strategies to expand our technical capabilities.  Just as with the DD(Education) position, the DD(Infrastructure) will be open to all academic staff at Level C and above.

This week’s inspiring image was submitted by Professor Denis Evans (Applied Maths) and shows Rams Head Mountain (NSW) from the south.  If you’d like to submit an image, please send me your best pics by Thursday arvo.  They can be from anywhere, from landscapes to cityscapes, nature to technology. 

Have a great weekend.


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