Director's Christmas Message from Antarctica

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol42 Issue49 19–23 December 2016

It has been a great pleasure to work with you over 2016, and in particular share in many of your successes. The RSPE community has had a great year and we can all be proud of our contributions to our excellent teaching and research ethos.  Looking over the Event Horizon I can see a lovely chronology which captures our School community, including many superb colloquia, the now famous Market day, PEC Planning Day, pivotal research such as the first detection of Gravitational waves, many honorary awards, the loss of valued colleagues, academy memberships, recognition of professional staff contributions, beautiful new babies, new students, final PhD seminars, award of student scholarships, generous gifts, new staff, retiring staff, promotions and of course our new VC.  To mark his first anniversary, our VC will be releasing his Strategic Vision for the ANU and I believe it’s a document that we help us to accentuate all our finest points.

In the later half of next year the first of our building renewal and renovation program will kick off.  It’s an exciting time and will deliver long overdue upgrade to facilities.  A program of this scale will require commitment and understanding from everyone.  I’ve been impressed by the contributions from many staff and students to the planning process over the past year.  Thank you, this marks a huge commitment from the ANU to our School and I know we are making the best of it. 

All the best for your Christmas break and the New Year. I hope you have a safe and relaxing time.

Best wishes from Mt Fleming field camp, Trans-Antarctic Mountains.
