Diversity and Equity Culture Survey

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol42 Issue37 19–23 September 2016

On Monday 19 September we will be launching the Diversity and Equity Culture Survey for our school. The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback from staff and students on engagement inclusion and diversity. This will help us to both understand and improve our local work environment.

Asking questions around issues of diversity, inclusion and access to all our staff and students is an important part of understanding our School.


Your participation in this survey is important and your answers will be very carefully considered. Our goal is to create a School in which everyone is enabled to their fullest ability in achieving their ambitions.

It’s also very important to note that your privacy is guaranteed. The raw data from this survey will not be accessible by ANYONE in the school. The data will be reported in aggregate format and sensitive information that may be disclosed as part of this survey in open responses will be removed prior to publication.

Data collected via the survey will be re-used by the University for the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) program and may be used for other university planning purposes. 

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact Jodie Bradby, Tim Senden, or Vince Craig.

Thank you very much for your support of this survey.

The RSPE Equity and Access Committee

Jodie Bradby (EME) and Vince Craig (AM), Tim Senden (Director), Patrick Kluth (EME) , Amy Shumack (PRL), Hua Xia (CPF) , Martina Landsmann (AM), Craig Young (Workshop), Kaitlin Cook (NP), Elena Ostrovskaya (NLP) and Joseph Hope (DQS) and Alan John Mitchell (NP).