Outreach with AIP - AIP Physics in the Pub ACT

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol42 Issue27 11–15 July 2016

AIP Physics in the Pub ACT

The night that took Sydney by storm has finally come to Canberra!

Physics in the Pub is made of eight snappy Physics Acts, each of a mere eight minutes - and YOU are invited to take part. 

Just give us eight minutes of phun, phascinating physics: a demo, a story, a song, some stand-up or a new twist on a traditional presentation. You know what I mean - we’re not talking frictionless inclined planes or spherical cows in a vacuum. Maybe even no equations?!?
Anything goes, in this format which is sweeping the UK – show off an innovative approach to communication in front of a friendly audience. If you’re too chicken to try it, then mark the date, and come along to laugh, cry and cheer!
I will be your MC on the night, and I will MAKE the audience applaud, cheer, laugh (when appropriate) and worship you; so do not be afraid. Besides, it’s in a pub, they’ll be “favourably disposed”.
Date: Wednesday 17th August 2016
Time: 7.00 – 9.00 PM
Venue: Smith's Alternative Bookshop, Civic
Cost: Free (plus free nibblies)


Work required on your behalf: A measly 8 minutes (and maybe a practice run or two)
Just drop me an email with a title, a description of your act, genre (demo, music, comedy, talk, video, story etc), and your resource requirements, along with a short bio. Or call me to discuss, workshop or develop ideas – 0414 94 5577.

Expressions of interest by 31 July 2016 to phildooley@gmail.com PAID ASSISTANCE REQUIRED: There is a small budget for photography, videoing and AV help on the night. If you would like to earn a bit of pocket money please contact me.

Dr Phil Dooley
Science writer and presenter
E: phildooley@gmail.com
P: 0414 94 55 77

The Fineprint: * Acts are limited to strictly eight minutes. * There are limited slots available on the night: we will do our best to include as many participants as possible, selection will be based on showcasing a range of performances and experience. * Available resources at the venue: powerpoint screen PC/mac, microphone, PA system, dimmable lights, piano. * Participants will need to inform us of their requirements for AV, power etc before the night. * There will be limited help available for setup and packup, for heavy or complicated equipment so please BYO roadies. * Participants must ensure that the stage is clean and tidy for the next participant.