Student Representatives Wanted!

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol47 Issue23 13–17 June 2022

We currently have four student reps – Ben Swinton-Bland, Disha Kapasi, Shridhar Manjunath and Elizaveta Melik-Gaykazyan who have been working on a number of student initiatives and will be very happy to welcome new reps!

There is a dedicated student reps email address if you would like to get in touch with Ben, Disha, Shridhar or Elizaveta to discuss the role, get an idea of time commitment and hear about the ideas they have been working on.

As the School with the largest HDR cohort on the ANU campus, we are hoping to expand our HDR reps group and very much look forward to hearing from you!

The terms of reference and guidelines for the student reps are available here for your information.