Invitation to Participate in Career Development Framework Survey – by 15 October 2021

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol46 Issue40 11–15 October 2021

The Career Development Framework is designed to support HDR students develop, and get recognition for, a broad range of academic and work relevant skills.  During your PhD studies, this framework helps you think about skills you would like to develop, identify opportunities and facilitate discussions with your supervisor about your options.

There are a number of Career Development tracks (Research, Industry and Innovation, Teaching and Learning & Policy and Governance) that facilitate your own pathway to complete activities from a variety of sources internally and externally to the ANU. Upon successful completion of the program you will receive certification from the College that recognises your achievements and helps you communicate your skills and experiences to future employers.

Please can you spend a few minutes answering the following survey so that we can better provide resources and support to candidates within our Colleges.

If you can complete the anonymous survey by Friday 15th October – that would be appreciated.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your HDR Student Rep, HDR School Administrator or the HDR Career Development Team (