Performance and Development Supervisor Familiarisation Sessions : May 2016

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol42 Issue18 9–13 May 2016

In September 2015 the University introduced a new on-line Performance Development Review (PDR) form for both Academic and Professional staff to replace the existing paper based process.   

This process has automated the workflow and is supported by data integration with a number of our key systems including ANU Insight (Statement of Academic Activity) and the Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

The Human Resources Division ran familiarisation sessions for supervisors across campus during 2015 and we have now extended these sessions to ensure that all supervisors have an opportunity to attend.  

These sessions provide an overview of the ANU PDR process, including the new on-line form, and highlight existing and planned resources as we transition to this new process.

There will be opportunity for feedback and questions.  

The following academic and professional specific information sessions have been organised for all supervisors with the booking process through HORUS via the links below.

In the event that you have any questions regarding the content of this email, or the PDR process in general, please contact either Lisa Buckley (50106), Michele Lewis (57878), Gina Diamond (59815)  or Jess Smith (55966) in the Employee Relations Project team at any time.

Professional Supervisors

Academic Supervisors

Please note these sessions are not college specific. Please access the link(s) below to HORUS to register for any of these PDP supervisor familiarisation sessions.

Academic PDP Supervisor Familiarisation Session Registration

Professional PDP Supervisor Familiarisation Session Registration