Physics Higher Degree Supervisor Training - Workshop Announcement

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol46 Issue13 5–9 April 2021

Details of the first Workshop

Topic: Establishing the student-supervisor relationship
Aim: This workshop will empower supervisors to effectively clarify expectations with their students and thereby optimise the value of the Candidate-Supervisor agreement

In particular the workshop will provide supervisors with

1.       The opportunity to learn about the value of this process in establishing a platform for students to succeed - including perspectives from current or past students

2.      The chance to hear from other supervisors about their expectations - including supervisors from other fields

3.      The chance to reflect on their own expectations and alternative modes of work

4.      Specific discussion of the ANU student-supervisor contract documentation 

5.      Specific discussion on negotiating agreed terms and addressing issues that arise out of the contract not being met 

When: 2:00-3:30 pm Friday 16th of April 2021
Where: Physics Seminar Room Level 4 Room 4.414, Link building 38A


You can enrol using Eventbrite by clicking on this link 

Enrollment is required to ensure that we do not exceed the room capacity (17).

If we are over enrolled preference will be given to less experienced supervisors and those whose registration as a supervisor has expired. This being the case we will schedule another workshop which will be aimed at experienced supervisors.

If there is sufficient demand the workshops will be held again later this year or in future years 

The course is free

Questions/Enquiries; Please email