Schmidt Science Fellows

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue32 10–14 August 2020

Nominations for 2021 Schmidt Science Fellows

Interested candidates should provide a CV plus a letter of recommendation from the HDR Program Convenor (A/Prof Patrick Kluth). They should also provide their PhD topic (see other eligibility criteria below).

Please send your nominations to Physics HDR team by Wednesday 2 September.

About the Program

The Schmidt Science Fellows program aims to develop the next generation of science leaders.

The Schmidt Science fellows program offers:

-          A year-long postdoctoral placement in a world leading laboratory

-          Personalised mentoring program

-          Stipend to support personal and living costs for the duration of the Fellowship

-          Four Global Meetings

Please see the Schmidt Science Fellows website for details on the selection process and selection criteria.


Candidates for nomination must have completed, or be expected to complete all the requirements for the conferral of their PhD between 30 April 2020 and 30 September 2021. Candidates must be in the disciplinary remit of the natural sciences (Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences), Engineering, Computing or Mathematics. They should be available for the entire 2021 program (July 2021 – July 2022) and attend each Global Meeting Interested candidates should provide a CV plus a letter of recommendation from the HDR Program Convenor. They should also provide their PhD topic.


The ANU can nominate five candidates who will then be invited to submit a full application directly to the Schmidt Science Fellows Program.

Contact Physics HDR Student Admin <> for any further details.