HDR Student Representatives

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue9 2–6 March 2020

Higher Degree Research (HDR) student representatives

The Research School of Physics (RSPhys) seeks nominations for new Higher Degree Research (HDR) student representatives for the School as current representatives will step down from 1 April 2020.

RSPhys requests a student from each department to represent the HDR cohort at School and College level forums, such as the quarterly Head of Department committee meeting and School Forum and assist with organisation of HDR events at the School level (i.e. 3MT Competition and Student Retreat).

Attending the Head of Department meeting is the Director, Deputy Director/s, Associate Director/s, Heads of departments and administrative units, and representatives from amongst the technical officers, departmental administrators, students, and non-tenured academic staff.

The purpose of the School Forums are to facilitate the flow of information to and from staff and students in the School. In particular, as a student representative it is a chance to bring the issues and concerns of the students in the school to the attention of the staff, as well as providing input into other discussion topics from the student perspective.

The RSPhys HDR student representative Terms of Reference is available here.

If you are interested in becoming a student representative or would like to nominate someone, please send your nomination to the Student HDR Admin Team hdr.physics@anu.edu.au no later than Friday 20 March 2020.