Theoretical Physics @ANU

Bose, Bosons and Boson Condensation-Part1

Professor Mukunda Das
Department of Theoretical Physics ANU

In order to explain the black body radiation phenomenology by quantum hypothesis of Planck and Einstein, in 1924 S. N. Bose derived rigorously the distribution of light quanta. There is an interesting history of publication of Bose’s papers translated by Einstein. Einstein extended Bose’s work to dilute atomic systems and predicted what is known now as Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC). Nearly 70 years after this prediction there is a kind of revolution of BEC physics in dilute gases at ultra cold conditions.

This year is the125th birth anniversary of S N Bose. On this occasion I shall present the history of the Bosons and BEC. Microscopic theory of Bogoliubov, phenomenological theory of Gross and Pitaevskii will be discussed to describe a variety of novel physics, namely collective excitations, superfluidity, Bosonic vortices etc.

Mukunda Das is Honorary Professor in Theoretical Physics. He is Fellow of American Physical Society, Institute of Physics (UK) and Australian Institute of Physics. His research interest concerns the fundamental aspects of condensed matter, which include Superconductivity, Vortex Matter, Bose-Einstein Condensation, Meso- and Nanoscopic Systems, Strongly Correlated Electrons, Density Functional Theory and Theory of Disordered States. He is also interested in the professional ethics, an important subject of philosophy. He has been member of Editorial Board of many International Journals, namely- J. Physics: Condensed Matter (IOP)(2002-12), ANS J of Nano Sc and Nanotech (IOP), GSTF J of Physics and Applications, Inter. J Condensed Matter, Advanced Materials and Superconductivity Research, Nova Sc., New York and others.

Date & time

Tue 24 Jul 2018, 2–4pm



Oliphant Seminar Room (414)


Members of RSPE welcome

