Departmental Seminar

Neutron production for nuclear astrophysics with a kilowatt‐power beams

Professor Michael Paul
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University

Neutron‐induced reactions remain at the forefront of experimental investigations for the understanding of stellar nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution of the Galaxy. We present recent experiments performed with the Liquid‐Lithium Target (LiLiT) and the mA‐proton beam at 1.92 MeV (2‐4 kW) from the Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF), yielding high‐intensity 30‐keV quasi‐Maxwellian neutrons (3‐5×1010n/s). First experiments were dedicated to benchmark the experimental system by re‐measuring the Maxwellian Averaged Cross Section (MACS) of several targets. Using α, β, γ spectrometry and atom‐counting techniques (accelerator mass spectrometry, atom‐trap trace analysis), we are extending our experimental studies to targets of astrophysical interest: the 36,38Ar(nγ) reactions are investigated for the first time with 30‐keV neutrons as well as neutron capture reactions on important nuclides natGa, natSe, natKr and natXe, natCe in the weak and main s‐process regimes, respectively, and 209Bi at the end of the s‐process path. The high neutron intensity enables MACS measurements of low‐abundance or small‐mass radioactive targets. Neutron‐induced reactions on 7Be and neutron capture reactions on s‐ process branching points 147Pm, 171Tm are investigated. The status of these experiments and preliminary results will be presented

Date & time

Fri 2 Sep 2016, 11am–12.30pm





Members of RSPE welcome

