Departmental Seminar

Micro steps at mega facilities

Dr Konstantin Pavlov
University of Canterbury, NZ

X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI) provides an enormous improvement in image contrast between materials having similar absorption but different refraction characteristics. This allows one to resolve features unresolvable by traditional absorption-based X-ray imaging techniques. However, the solution of the appropriate inverse problems (phase retrieval) is still a challenging task.

In this talk I will be sharing with you a few interesting results we obtained recently. In particular, you will be learning about three outcomes in different areas of X-ray phase-contrast imaging and tomography:

a) progress towards implementation of medical phase-contrast breast CT at synchrotrons,

b) a method for localised 3D reconstruction of multi-material objects based on propagation-based X-ray phase-contrast tomography showing potentially large computational gains over projection-based phase retrieval for multi-material samples,

c) a single shot X-ray implicit speckle-tracking imaging.


S. Pacilèa, P. Baran, C. Dullin, M. Dimmock, D. Lockie, J. Missbach-Güntner, H. Quiney, M. McCormack, S.C. Mayo, D. Thompson, Y.I. Nesterets, C. Hall, K.M. Pavlov, Z. Prodanovic, M. Tonutti, A. Accardo, J. Fox, S. Tavakoli Taba, S. Lewis, P. Brennan, D. Hausermann, G. Tromba and T.E. Gureyev. Advantages of breast cancer visualization and characterization using synchrotron radiation phase-contrast tomography. J. Synchr. Rad. 25(5), 1460-1466 (2018).

D. Thompson, Y. I. Nesterets, K. M. Pavlov and T. E. Gureyev. Fast three-dimensional phase retrieval in propagation-based x-ray tomography. J. Synchr. Rad. 26(3), 825-838 (2019)

K. M. Pavlov, Heyang (Thomas) Li, D. M. Paganin, S. Berujon, H. Rouge-Labriet, E. Brun. Single-shot x-ray speckle-based imaging of a single-material object. arXiv:1908.00411 (2019)

Date & time

Tue 17 Sep 2019, 11am–12pm



Physics Seminar Room (414)


Members of RSPE welcome


Dr Konstantin Pavlov