The Leo Mahony Bursary

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol46 Issue13 5–9 April 2021

What is the Leo Mahony Bursary?
The Leo Mahony Bursary is awarded annually to a masters (by research) or doctoral scholar studying in the field of national security and defence at an ACT-based university.
The Bursary commemorates the memory and service of founding National Secretary of RUSI-A and long-time USI member and Councillor, Mr Leo Mahony. The Bursary comprises a one-off payment of $5000. Recipients are also offered Honorary Membership of the Institute for 12 months and the opportunity to publish an article about their work in a reputable journal. The Bursary and certificate of Honorary Membership are traditionally presented at a function held by the ACT in October which is well attended by USI ACT membership and guests.

Who is eligible?
Australian citizens who:
• are studying at an ACT university;
• are enrolled in a Masters (by research) or PhD program that leads to a thesis;
• have an approved research proposal for their program; and
• have not previously won the Leo Mahony Bursary.

What are the selection criteria?
Relevance. The research must contribute to the body of national security or defence knowledge.
Innovation. The research should address a new or under-examined area. Historical papers are welcomed, but must demonstrate explicit relevance to contemporary or future national security or defence issues.
Academic merit. The research must have an appropriate standard of academic merit.

How to apply?
Submit a single page (400 words) application explaining how your research meets the selection criteria. Applications close on the 31 July. See the website for the submission requirements.

Further information
Please see the USI ACT homepage and follow the link to the bursary.