2020 AIPNSW Industry Day Events

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue44 2–6 November 2020


In 2020 it is not possible to host the annual AIP Industry Day at CSIRO Lindfield as we have done for many years. Neither did we entertain the concept of an all-day virtual alternative. Instead, we will be hosting a number of small virtual events on diverse topics and experimenting a little with the virtual formats.

“Three Faces of Physics” https://events.csiro.au/Events/2020/September/29/Three-Faces-of-Physics-AIP-Online-Series-2020

Three young physicists each a recipient of the CSIRO Alumni Scholarship in Physics will talk about their research careers.

“Podcast Club – Does Time Exist?” https://www.meetup.com/Australian-Institute-of-Physics-NSW/events/273424986/

Step one: (beforehand) listen to the Infinite Monkey Cage podcast “Does Time Exist?” (hosted by Prof. Brian Cox and Robin Ince on the BBC) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000lvbx

Step two: Join the Zoom conversation with Tibor Molnar and Prof. Geraint Lewis to ponder what time is.

“Start-ups in Lockdown” https://events.csiro.au/Events/2020/October/8/Start-ups-in-Lockdown-AIP

Three high-tech start-ups will describe how the pandemic has impacted them – from disrupting development activities, imposing cash-flow problems, supply chain issues, disruption in their intended markets – to new opportunities that have arisen as a result of the pandemic. Katie from CSIRO’s Lindfield Collaboration Hub will talk about how the pandemic has affected the hub as well as talking about some of the government initiatives and incentives that are being offered for advanced manufacturing to play a major part in recovery.