
Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue37 14–18 September 2020

Physical Review Letters

Congratulations to Stuart S. Szigeti, Samuel P. Nolan, John D. Close, and Simon A. Haine on their publication "High-Precision, Quantum-Enhanced Gravimetry with a Bose-Einstein condensate" recently published in PRL:

This work presents a proposal for generating entangled momentum modes within a Bose-Einstein condensate suitable for high precision cold-atom gravimetry. Our proposal only needs a small modification to existing state-of-the-art experiments and does not require additional guiding potentials or optical cavities, therefore making it achievable in the near-term in current laboratories.


Innovare Advancement Center

Congratulations also to the team of John Close, Stuart Szigeti, Simon Haine, and Angela White who were recently successful in the Innovare Advancement Center bid for USD $75,000, funded from the US Air Force Research Laboratories (more detail here). Our bid was a collaborative proposal with Sydney-based quantum SME Q-CTRL.

ANU CIs: John Close, Stuart Szigeti, Simon Haine, and Angela White.