Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue37 14–18 September 2020

ARC Confidentiality Policy Update
The ARC has revised the ARC Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy to clarify the types of personal interests that applicants for ARC grants are required to identify and disclose. Please see the policy here:

A useful summary is also available here.

ARC Laureate Fellowship and Industrial Transformation Research Program now open
If not already done, please notify the research office ( as soon as possible of your intent to apply.

ERC Funding Opportunities Webinar
EURAXESS Australia & New Zealand and the European Research Council (ERC), bring to you a webinar on ERC funding opportunities, with a focus on the coming Starting Grant call. The ERC is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It supports investigator-driven frontier research across all fields. It awards research grants to scientists and scholars from all over the world, both early-career and senior researchers, carrying out their ambitious research projects in all scientific disciplines in Europe.

This information session will highlight how the ERC supports top researchers from anywhere in the world. Participants will learn about the different ERC Funding Schemes available and how to prepare a competitive application. The session will also entail information on existing bilateral schemes (Implementing Arrangements) between the ERC and Australia.

Date/Time: 15 Sept 2020, 1700-1800.

Registration is mandatory here:

RSD Seminar Series Recordings
RSD Research Funding and Development Office has hosted several workshops and seminars this year, with a focus on information on upcoming ARC schemes, but also include other aspects such as US Federal and Philanthropic Funding. An archive of workshops held to date can be found on their Microsoft Streams site. Please contact for information on upcoming sessions.