Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue33 17–21 August 2020

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The Department of Solid State Physics (1984).

Back row (L to R) Dr Reddy, Dr Hasan, Dr Wells (visitor), Dr Whittle, Mr Remmel, Dr Silversmith, Ms Jurasic, Mr McRae, Mr Sampietro, Mr Hyde, Dr Radlinski, Dr Wilshire, Dr Jayasuriya.

Front row (L to R) Mr Carlton, Dr Manson, Professor Runciman, Dr Stewart, Dr Calka.


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Foundation members of LPC (1987)

1.Phil Chapple (Faculties), 2. Peter Fisk, 3. Ken Baldwin, 4. Bobba Vukovic, 5. Keith Holliday, 6. Arther Maddever, 7. Denis Bullock, 8. Kay Scott, 9. Hans Bachor (Faculties), 10. John Sandeman (Faculties), 11. John Carlton, 12. Gino Sampietro, 13. Ranco Dragila, 14. Barry Luther-Davies, 15. Neil Manson, 16. John Remmel, 17. Robert Danby, 18. Wally Hopkinson, 19. Ian McRae, 20. Keith Jackman