Academic Board: call for community topics

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue32 10–14 August 2020

Academic board meeting 4: call for community topics

Dear all, 

The next meeting of the Academic Board will be held on Tuesday 25th August 2020. Ahead of that meeting, the Academic Board is continuing to trial a process for submission of items directly from the ANU community.
Should you like to raise an issue for the Board to discuss at the next meeting, please:
- read the short guidelines provided in attachment
- contact one, two, or the three of us, and 
- provide a short summary (<350 words) summarising that issue and its impact on the university.

For you reference of matters that fall to the Academic Board, please see 
Please submit your issue no later than Friday 7th August 2020 so we can relay it to the Academic Board steering committee in time for review and possible inclusion in the next meeting agenda.
Best wishes,
Your CoS Academic Board members, 


John, Celine, & Ben