Data Science Survey

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue27 6–10 July 2020


Survey of academic researchers who use or wish to use technical support from staff data scientists

Danny Kingsley, the lead writer for the Big Data report, and member of the National Committee for Data in Science (NCDiS) has just flagged this data science survey with the Academy.

This survey is being run by the Academic Data Science Alliance, USA, and they’re looking for participants who collaborate or consult with data scientists. They hope the results will assist in their push for better data science policies.

The goal of the survey is to capture the contribution of staff data scientists to research capacity building in academia. For the purposes of the survey, data scientists are defined as non-faculty academic staff who use computational, statistical, and/or mathematical methods and tools to help extract knowledge from data. Please complete this survey if you are:

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