Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue24 15–19 June 2020



We can use this time to be productive - work on manuscript drafts, thesis chapters, read things in-depth or learn something new.  Please stay in touch with your colleagues and your supervisor, and most importantly be positive and plan for the future.



  1. Congratulations to Alex Bray (TP) and his collaborators on the recent publications of their research in Physical Review Letters.

Their paper entitled "Dissecting Strong-Field Excitation Dynamics with Atomic-Momentum Spectroscopy" reports the first computationally tractable approach to the problem of behaviour of polarisable atoms in the strong non-spatially uniform electric fields produced by intense femtosecond laser pulses. The combined mechanism of excitation and acceleration produced by such fields has great potential for coherent manipulation of atoms with pulsed lasers. Read more here.

  1. RSPhys Intranet has a new "Research Opportuntities" webpage, which contains a curated selection of research grants, fellowships, awards, and prizes available for researchers at all career stages, including Honours and HDR students. The selection, drawn from the Research Professional database, is tailored for the Physics discipline, and is always up-to-date.

Browse the research opportunities here.

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