Isolation salvation - Photographic project by CoS

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue18 4–8 May 2020

Isolation salvation - Photographic project by CoS 

The College of Science are running a series of photos of researchers, called isolation salvation. They are looking to take photos of people with an activity that helps them through social distancing - a pet, task, hobby, etc.  Do you have an idea? Let Jimmy Walsh at College of Science marketing know on or contact

More details:

Project proposal: Isolation salvation


This series tells the story of SHM researchers and the activities that are helping them through social distancing. The series of 12 images will feature an image of the researcher, with a short caption about the thing that is helping. This may be a pet, a hobby, a task or otherwise.


This content would be targeted at:


This project should be completed and published while much of the community is still working from home. It is expected this series would be published by May 8.


It is understood that this project must not expose participants to increased risk of COVID-19 transmission. It is proposed that content capture may be conducted by the following protocols:


This series will be published on: