Breakthrough Prize Nominations

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol45 Issue10 9–13 March 2020

Dear Colleague,

We value your assistance in nominating candidates for the 2021 Breakthrough Prizes. Attached is an invitation letter from the Selection Committee chairs with all the prizes available this year - please circulate it at your institution. The deadline is April 1, 2020.

Life Sciences Prizes

Up to 4 Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences ($3 million each) – with 1 of the prizes designated for work contributing to the understanding of Parkinson’s disease or other neurodegenerative disorders 

Math Prizes 

1 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics ($3 million) 
3 New Horizons in Mathematics Prizes ($100,000 each) – for early-career researchers 
1 Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize ($50,000) – for women mathematicians who have earned PhDs in the previous two years (2018, 2019) 

Physics Prizes 

1 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics ($3 million) 
3 New Horizons in Physics Prizes ($100,000 each) – for early-career researchers 

The 2021 prizes will be presented in the fall of 2020 at a globally broadcast awards ceremony. Clips from the most recent show can be watched at

Visit to view prize rules, register to nominate or login to renominate past candidates.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Rob Meyer

Prize Administrator